Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It starts here... [Edited]

Well, almost.

My journey started in an online community and I am writing here because this is a workspace that I can more readily use and manage.

Writing is an important part of research for me and there are things I will want to write about. I'll want to keep drafts and have a place to store stuff that's easier for me to maintain. Routine stuff I'll do in the community, because there's lots to discuss there in the various forums. The rest I'll do off to the side here where I can just noodle or take a topic and really dive in deep.

The discipline of writing forces me to think about things in a manner that is (at least, minimally) structured and rigorous. That's not to say that the way I am working this is clinical, but it's sure not random and capricious either.

I invite you to read what I write and interact with me.
Everything is moderated. Period. If it doesn't show up, that's why. This is my space.

That's said, you're welcome to ask questions, toss darts, have your own point of view. I'll likely approve and let fly whatever you have to say. I don't know everything and value diversity of thought, so bring your "A-game" and let's get busy.

Ultimately, if we have a legitimate disagreement that ends up in some sort of impasse, I'm going to keep that off the blog. It's not what this is for. I'm totally willing to work things out as adults, as only adults should be reading what I write.

Please don't take things personally. I won't make it personal, if you won't. :-)
